Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Philippines offers nurse transfusion

MANILA, Philippines – At 47, electrical engineer Victorio Mangalindan is back in school, studying for a new career as a nurse. His classmates include three lawyers and 10 accountants.

"And there are so many doctors!" he said.

Mr. Mangalindan says the foul air and water of Manila will only get worse as his 2-year-old son grows up. He wants to raise the boy in the U.S., and "the surest way to get a working permit or a visa is nursing."

Many Texas hospitals would be glad to have him. There are 28,000 job openings for nurses in the state. Texas colleges and universities are graduating just 6,000 nurses a year. By 2010, the federal government estimates, Texas will have a shortfall of almost 42,000 nurses. The nationwide shortage is expected to be 10 times as large.more....

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